Reclaim Your Inner Voice- a free 3-part video series

This free video series includes 3 short video lessons with suggested exercises for each topic below. You can watch all 3 videos at once or one at a time over the 3 days. This series is designed to help you reclaim and trust your inner voice.

  • clarify your desire

  • tame your inner critic

  • take incremental action

Sign up below to gain immediate access to all the videos and exercises. I hope you find it helpful and I look forward to connecting. Please check your promotion/spam folder for the welcome email and mark it as not promotion.


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When you reclaim your inner voice you stop settling and start trusting. You get unstuck and start creating more passion, meaning and purpose in your work and life.

You may know exactly what your inner voice is calling you to but are stuck trusting it or taking action. Other times, it's a subtle feeling that something's missing, there’s more for you and you feel like you’re settling but you can’t quite define it or figure out how to fix it. You may even wonder if it’s possible.

One thing I know is true: when your inner voice isn’t being heard, trusted or acted upon it feels like you have your foot on the gas and on the brake at the same time. Your inner voice is calling you to something and you’re not going.

When you get and stay centered more consistently, everything else follows.